Seller's Policy

In order to use our online services, you just need to make a seller account at our website. We will automatically generate a valid user id and password for you. Using this password and user id you can easily login to our site and enjoy the services.

We only provide a platform for communication to the potential buyers. We are only responsible for the transaction between you and our site. If any other transaction between you and customer take place, we are not responsible for it.

You should not involve into any activity that will affect our site, employ or stake holder directly or indirectly.

Claim to controversial content. We are dealing with thousands of products. It is quite difficult to review each and every comment or content. If any controversial comment is added which can create a dispute, please inform us through customer care.

You cannot use our logo, trade mark or any other thing which specially belongs to us in connection with other products or companies.

We are not responsible for any business or personal loss using our site.

We especially sorry for the events which are beyond our control. For example, delay in order processing, delay in payment due to any reason.

In case of any illogical use we can simply terminate you and suspend your account temporary or permanently.

Transaction between seller and buyer only take place through elite account. We are not responsible for any other transaction between seller and buyer.